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February 27, 2020 By Tyent Australia 1090 Views No comments
Paleo diet and alkaline water

Paleo diet and alkaline water

Both fresh and processed meat are acidic, so a strict paleo diet means quite rich in acid. When you're following a Paleo-based diet, drinking alkaline water ionizers from a water ionizer can help rebalance your body, neutralize some of those acids, and maintain a healthy pH.

February 26, 2020 By Tyent Australia 951 Views No comments
What is alkaline water?

What is alkaline water?

So why is this a good thing? First, let's look at how we live. Our modern diet tends to be acidic. Drinking alkaline water helps to rebalance our pH and maintains an optimal alkaline pH of 6.9 - 7.2.

February 24, 2020 By Tyent Australia 1031 Views No comments
Water ionizer

Water ionizer

And do you know what domestic Tyent? Yes. Hydrogen. Strong, powerful elements are contained in every glass of water Tyent

Each glass of fresh hydrogen water from your Tyent water ionizer gives you five times more hydration than conventional water.

February 21, 2020 By Tyent Australia 617 Views No comments
Alkaline Water Ionizers and vegetarian diet

Alkaline Water Ionizers and vegetarian diet

In Australia, we have a lot of vegetarian diets but each diet is suitable for each different body. Here Tyent will introduce to everyone the vegan diet and Alkaline Water Ionizers can complement the vegan diet:

Vegan diets can be healthy, nutritious, and effective for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

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